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Book Your Wedding

Completing and submitting this contract & schedule forms an agreement between Russell Lewis (hereinafter called 'The Photographer') and the Bride & Groom (hereinafter called 'The Client').  It is mutually agreed that when you book your wedding the Photographer shall provide services and goods as specified and that the Client shall pay the Photographer the amounts due for the said services and goods on the due date

Contract & Schedule
How long would you like me with you?

Take £100 off if your wedding falls on a Friday and £200 if it falls on a Monday through to Thursday


Benefit from a further £200 off if your wedding date falls between 1st November and the 31st March


Last minute booking saving - if your wedding falls within 6 weeks of your initial enquiry​ you'll receive a 30% saving on all of the above rates

What additional options would you like?

By submitting this form you are confirming that you have read, and undertake to abide by, the attached schedule and terms of agreement

Thank you! I look forward to working with you

Formal Group Photographs

The following are suggestions for formal groupings please modify as required and include any additional group requirements

Bride's family
Groom's family
Bridal Party
Friends and all guests

Thank you!


To secure your date you can either pay a £200 booking fee or should you wish to pay the full amount of the package chosen on booking you will benefit from a 5% settlement discount. 


Either can be paid by cash, cheque, BACS transfer, debit or credit card.  Cheques made payable to Russell Lewis Photography, BACS payments can be made to Russell Lewis Photography 09-01-50 06476570 using your wedding date and surname as reference, or you can use the make a payment tab in the menu of my website for debit or credit card payments

Terms & Conditions

It is agreed that the contract will govern terms and conditions on which the Photographer will take images of the Client’s wedding (details of which are attached) and it is agreed that this contract sets out the total contract made between the parties and that no variation or modification of this contract shall be effective unless agreed by both parties in writing
A non-refundable booking fee of £200 is charged when the Client signs this contract.  The booking fee is deducted (in full) from the total day rate
The balance of the Coverage Fee must be paid by the Client no less than 30 days prior to the date of the Wedding.  If the Coverage Fee is not paid by that date the Photographer reserves the right not to provide any services until payment is made, or to treat the Contract as being cancelled by the Client.  The provisions of clause 9 will then apply
The Client hereby allows The Photographer to display any images taken pursuant to this contract in their studio, portfolios, literature, wedding exhibitions, web site, social media and advertising.  Should the Client take exception to any specific images being used then such concerns should be made in writing and it will be agreed that those images shall be withdrawn from commercial use.  No use of the images will be made by the Photographer for other commercial reason except with the written permission of the Client. 
All image sizes are nominal.  The Photographer will provide a pleasing colour balance but the Client accepts and agrees that the Photographer cannot guarantee exact colour matching owing to anomalous reflectance caused by a combination of certain dyes and materials especially in man made fibres and that it is sometimes impossible to record photographically the exact colour seen by the human eye.  Retouching, digital manipulation and artiste finishing is carried out as seen necessary by the Photographer, further work can be performed as an optional extra for an additional price as agreed
All reorders shall be treated as an extension of this contract and will be charged for at the Photographer’s prices prevailing at the time of reorder.  Retouching of digital files, digital manipulations and artiste finishing is available on request as additional services.  The price of any additional services must be paid in full before delivery.  No responsibility for error will be accepted unless orders are given in writing
6.1. The Photographer shall be granted artistic licence in relation to the poses photographed and the locations used.  It is agreed that the Client shall receive a minimum of 300 images from the day however the Photographer’s judgement regarding locations/poses and the total number of images taken shall be deemed correct.  Due to the vagaries of the weather and the willingness of the subject/s it may not be possible to capture all of the images requested by the Client.
6.2. If specific images are required then  the Client shall supply a written list to the Photographer
no less than 14 days prior to the date of the wedding, setting out the number of images the Client requires under this contract clearly identifying those people who should appear on the images with a brief description of the setting and background. (‘The Specification’)
6.3. The Photographer shall use all reasonable endeavours to take those images specified by the Client pursuant to the Specification.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Clauses 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 if, for any reason, the Photographer reasonably deem it unreasonable in the circumstances to take the images which have been requested in the Specification then the Photographer shall, at their sole discretion, exercise their right to take such other images as they consider appropriate in the circumstances
The due performance or alteration of this contract is subject to alteration or cancellation by either party owing to any cause beyond their reasonable control
In the unlikely event of total photographic failure or cancellation of this contract by either party or in any other circumstances the liability of one party to the other shall be limited to the Price.  Neither party shall be liable to indirect or consequential loss.  The Client agrees to be responsible for any injury, loss or damage caused to the Photographer or equipment caused by their guests
The Client may cancel the Contract at any time by notice in writing.  You will then be liable to pay to the Photographer compensation based on a percentage of the Coverage Fee depending upon when the notice is received:
121 days or more – Booking Fee Only
91-120 days – 50%
61-90 days – 60%
31-60 days – 75%
0-30 days – 100%
If the date of the Wedding is postponed, the Photographer may at their sole discretion (which will be exercised reasonably having regard to the Photographer’s ability to obtain alternative work on the first agreed date and availability on the second date) agree not to treat the Contract as being cancelled but to provide the services on the postponed date and apply all monies paid by the Client towards the fees for that day
Digital files remain the property of the Photographer & shall remain archived & available for reproduction for a period of five years from the date of the Wedding.  An option is available to the Client to make 900x900 pixel files free to those with access to the online gallery, generally this size file is for use on social media
For the avoidance of doubt all copyright in the images are owned absolutely by the Photographer within the provisions of the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988.  It is contrary to this Act to copy or allow to be copied photographically, electronically or by any other means any image created as part of this contract without the express permission of the Photographer.  The
opportunity to purchase the domestic rights is available to the Client following the wedding day.   Domestic rights enable the Client to view, print and display images privately, should the images be
intended for the public domain i.e. newspaper or magazine publication or social media such as Facebook then the Photographer must be informed and suitable accreditation used.  The Photographer shall in all cases retain the rights to publication and resale as laid out in clauses 3 & 5
The Photographer is appointed by the Client as the exclusive professional photographer for the Wedding.  Amateur photography by guests will be permitted but the Client must ensure that this does not interfere or conflict with the services that have been agreed
Weddings should be happy and relaxed occasions but the cooperation of the Client and their guests is essential in ensuring that the photography goes smoothly, the best results are obtained and the Client’s goals achieved.  The Client is, therefore, responsible for ensuring punctuality and the cooperation of their guests.  It is particularly important that the Bride be punctual as any change in the ceremony time has a significant effect on the day’s timings and in such instances the Photographer cannot guarantee to achieve the goals agreed prior to the Wedding in the reduced time then made available
The Client must inform the Photographer of any detail that may have a direct effect on the Wedding Schedule.  If a surprise is planned by either party that will affect the Schedule then the party must inform the Photographer as it can have a significant bearing on the day’s timings.  Should notice not be given the Photographer cannot guarantee to achieve the goals agreed prior to the Wedding in the reduced time then made available
It is for the Client to communicate to those attending the Wedding that they may be photographed during proceedings, those who do not wish to be photographed must inform the Photographer in writing prior to the date in question   

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